Week 3

Github Exercise

I found this exercise to be a helpful introduction for people who are beginning to work with git. It was fun to come up with jokes and rate a few others. I had experience with git before, mainly from my previous classes including Applied Internet Technology and Agile Software Development. At one point during the exercise many people received a merge conflict when attempting to pull from the main repo. I recall globally setting rebase to false in Agile dev ops, but I never understood the reason behind it. The exercise also showed me new things that I did not spend a moment to look at such as git log, git remote -v, and git status.

Firefox Browser Extension

We have made progress with our group’s open-source browser extension project. We had the most difficulties at the beginning when deciding on our idea and also when divvying up the work. No one in my group had even thought about making a browser extension of their own so it was hard to come up with an idea. Also, not all members in my group were experienced in javascript. Even if we were all great at coding in javascript I would still ask to create a simpler extension as I have no experience in creating one. I think my group did amazing after we chose our idea and leveled our best capabilities. Some worked mainly on making our project fit the open source definition while I and another member worked on the extension’s code. My biggest contribution was setting up the initial base and structure of the extension to define its direction.

Written before or on February 11, 2024