Week 7 - Open Source Software Influential Figures

My thought about free/open source software and the people that work with them is that it is often developed through an interest in software rather than through a commercial interest. Linus Torvalds started the Linux kernel as a hobby and is continuing to work with open source software. Lately, he has developed a hobby for scuba diving and developed a open source software named subsurface for his hobby. In other cases, open source software were developed to address a need with many people focusing on making such software as accessible as possible. The business aspect isn’t always something that was considered when developing an open source software but has almost always come up for those who work on successful projects. It does give me a greater appreciation for those who contributed or led organization focusing on making software open and free.

For the progress that my group has made this week, we have got together to decide on an open source project we would want to contribute to. This proved to be much more difficult than I expected. Some projects like Spicetify are doable as a group within the limited time frame while others like Docusaurus would require much more effort with no guarantee of a successful pull request. Our group has got our top three being Spicetify, Docusaurus, and OpenCollective. There is definitely a wide range of difficult as well as different technologies/languages. Currently, the group has decided to do more research and explore each communication channels in order to possibly narrow it down some more by Monday.

Written before or on March 10, 2024