Week 10 - Open Source Project Spicetify Work

Over Spring break and the week after Spring break, I was able to make a contribution to Spicetify. I noticed that while many of their repositories has a contributing.md, their command line interface was lacking one. There wasn’t a flag for documentations in their issues so instead, I chose to notify the Spicetify team on discord. Using other Spicetify contributing.md as a reference and my own experience setting up the local development, I was able to create a draft and a pull request from it. There were many feedbacks in the pull request that I had to address and was a bit intimidating. Nonetheless, I was able to make the changes and continue the review. The maintainer even added a few changes herself as well. In the end, the pull request was merged and I was able to make my first contribution.

Now I have my eyes set on creating a new theme. I looked through their documentation and how other themes were implemented. At a glance, it didn’t seem too complicated but proved to be a challenge as I continued to work. The first challenge was finding a suitable color palette. I am still working on converting all the Spotify colors to one of the colors on my palette. The devtool provided by Spicetify was extremely helpful and allowed me to inspect elements on Spotify, tracing elements/styles. One unexpected problem I encountered was my adblocker blocking Spicetify from opening Spotify. Every change to my theme had to load and execute Spotify.exe which my adblocker didn’t like. I spent an hour trying to figure out how to add an exception to my adblocker which was not fun. My goal going forward is to make more complex and custom changes to the UI that isn’t just color as well.

Written before or on March 31, 2024