Week 12 - Tidepool Reflection and Spicetify Work

Christopher Snider and Tidepool

In watching Christopher Snider present about Tidepool, I was charmed to see how much passion he has for it as well as other people who are part of Tidepool. As a result, I think there is a step up in terms of the effort put towards the end users and the user experience in comparison to open source used by enterprise. This isn’t surprising as Snider said almost everyone in Tidepool are diabetic or knows someone who is diabetic, being diabetic himself along with his wife. That isn’t to say Tidepool doesn’t operate as a business as it still requires funding. However, it does take on a secondary role with one source of their funding coming from a premium paid version of Tidepool. The goal is greater transparency for diabetics rather than management of cost and revenue. One thing about Tidepool I found to be interesting was how it started out as a fork of another application (don’t remember what it was called but maybe it was loop?). It was interesting how such a large application was built off of another open source project which now exist simultaneously at this large of a scale. This just attest to the nature of open source as a means of innovation and transparency which I have grown to appreciate.

Spicetify Progress

As for progress on Spicetify, I am still mostly working on the theme. I did encounter an issue where my current theme might not be sufficient enough to justify a pull request and merge. So far, I created a nice background and color scheme but the ui could use more work. I am currently looking to see how I can move the playbar on the button of the application to its own panel on the left sidebar. Alex has also suggested changing the button and other icons which I will look into and get input from the group with. Overall, the past week has mostly been spent finishing the core aspects of my theme and making it as easy as possible for my groupmate to understand what is going on and contribute a color scheme. For this week, I will try to finish moving around components and round out some corners for a more gentle look. The goal is to create a pull request and get it merged by the end of this week. I am hoping to get users to use the theme and provide issues or feedback. As for the application, there were some small challenges my group faced in setting up and creating the extension but progress was definitely made once we moved from an extension to an application. The biggest challenge will most definitely be time as we all have good ideas but only a few more weeks. Once I am done with the theme, I will look to see how theme integration implementation will be done which my group will be very helpful with. As a final note, I believe there will be a lot of progress made this week.

Written before or on April 14, 2024