Week 14 - Open Source Initiatives and Spicetify Presentation
Open Source Initiatives
In the discussion about all the many non-software initiatives, it was interesting how diverse the practice can be. The idea of relying on the community to make a product or vision work isn’t novel but can be effective in banding people together for a common cause or interest. It can start with something as simple as wanting to share and develop a beer recipe. A good portion of the open source discussed were social good related services as well. Open source were used for these projects as a mean of increasing accessibility and gain community support. Like how Open Library aimed to increase accessibility of published works, open source can be used for more commercial means like Open Motors which seek to democratize electric vehicle production. Overall, I think it is cool to see how far reaching open source is even outside of software.
Spicetify Progress
For this week’s Spicetify progress, most of the effort were put to preparing for the presentation on Monday. We were able to finish our presentation slides in class on Wednesday and divided up what we wanted to talk about. On Sunday, we came together and did a trial run of the presentation with the whole group. We were able to time it to about 15 minutes and revise some of the points that we made or missed in the practice presentation. We even prepared the technical side of the presentation and have someone with a backup laptop to present. In regards to the actual project, the biggest thing left to be done was integrating a playlist with the application. However, this proved to be a challenge with Alex even spending 10-15 hours on it with no luck. As a result, we decided to revise this feature and go in a different direction with a timer instead. For next week, I am hoping to complete more color schemes for the theme and then make a pull request for that. Overall, everything is going smoothly for now but I do need to practice what I will be saying for the presentation.