Week 4
Working on the firefox extension project as a group was an overall very good experience for me. I enjoyed the collaborative aspect of the project and how we were able to split up tasks and delegate them out. Most projects that I have worked on in school have been solo projects, so it was cool to see how much faster development of the project went with more people. I personally did some of the design and worked on a lot of the underlying JavaScript code for the alarm clock. After completing the extension, I know many more things than I did before. For one, I know the basic process of creating a Firefox extension using a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I would like to in the future work on another Firefox extension or attempt to make my own. I also very much enjoyed watching other presentations and trying out other groups’ projects. My favorite extension among the other groups was the pomodoro timer extension. I think it is designed super well and very intuitive to use. When I am studying or doing a lot of work, I very frequently utilize a pomodoro clock to improve efficiency. For that reason, I will certainly use the pomodoro clock extension in the future.