Week 1 - Open Source

Open Source

I think that open source is something I find strictly unique to software development. I think of it as people work together to achieve a goal to provide accessible or needed technology to the public for the public good. I think that it is noble in idea and in practice, as it is contributing to something that benefits not the individual but the public. I think that open source advantage is that more people can contribute to the project, this would allow for more progress to be made and more diverse views and perspective for it. I think other advantages is that it allows technology to be accessible for all. Closed source has the advantage where proprietary data or sensitive information could not be leaked.

Open Source Projects I Have Used

I think that could be a disadvantage of open source is that sensitive data couldn’t be used so in some sense it could be limited, however often times this software is made for a greater goal. Another problem would be if noone wants to add to your project you would be the sole contributor. I registered for this class in order to learn how to properly become a contributor and the right ways to go about it. I think that this class is the best way to put this into practice.

Four open source projects I have used python, scikit-learn, matplotlib and react. I favorite python over other languages because it comes to be more naturally, I always opt to code in python if given the choice. Scitkit-learn and matplotlib were packages that I used for work a lot where I am able to do ML and visualize such results.

Written before or on January 29, 2024