Week 4 - browser extension

Group Work

My group created an ad-blocker web extension that is centered around productivity. I think that implementing the back-end for this web extension was a bit difficult as there was limitations regarding how the text on the page would be blocked. I found that my group has been very open to communication and working together to achieve a functional prototype, which features work. Therefore, I found my work with my team members very smooth and innovative.


I personally added a lot of work to the back-end and the front-end. I had initially started working on the back-end built off what my group members had for the script and the front-end. But realized it was not functional on my end. Then, I took the time to debug and figure out the issue preventing the function of the tab buttons. After that was resolved I began working on the back-end for the block function. My group member finished this function and then I also added additional functionality to certain buttons for our extension.

New Things I Learned

I am honestly not the most familiar with how javascript really works in extensions. I had some previous experience with a MERN stack, but this was a bit different in format and structure. I think that I had to review fundamentals of javascript to properly contribute to this project. I learned that teammmates are very helpful in resolving issues. I also really liked how we worked cohesively on both front-end and back-end, as it felt the project was being created efficiently.

Other Presentation

The plugin where it centered around productivity was very interesting and comedic. I also really liked the quote generating extension. I thought that is pretty neat and cool.

Written before or on February 18, 2024