Week 14 - Nearing the End
What’s Left
My group is making steady progress towards being able to present. We are plannin to meet a few more times in person so that we can get our presentation in order and nail each of our speaking parts. Besides that, we’ve continued working on improving our pull requests. I am still getting through all of the issues that cuased my PR to fail the last submission, but hoping to be done by the time we have to present.
Looking Back
This week, we had our last in-class discussion about open source. It made me reflect on how much I’ve learned in this class. Though I was incredibly late to catch up on basics, like how to contribute in github, how to create pull requests and merge forks and branches, and things of the like, I am happy that I have caught up and I’m working on my individual contributions. Open source is a very powerful tool, and being able to contribute to these projects is a useful skill that I’m glad I picked up. I’m sure that I will continue to work on open source projects in the future, because open source is a solid and free way to brush up on your skills while also helping others.