Week 1
When I hear the term “open source”, I think it should focus on the word “open”, which means the code and program should be open to the public. Because of this, a great difference between open source and closed source is that closed source software keeps the source code inaccessible, users don’t know what is happening behind the screen. But there are also some potential problems with open source, such as the lack of maintenance. Sometimes we search for a specific software on Github, and we may find a project but the maintainer no longer updates it, then it is just left there.
Here are four open source projects that I regularly use.
- React: React is a famous frontend framework developed and maintained by Facebook. It revolutionized frontend development. By using React, developers don’t need to manipulate DOMs by themselves, React does all this for them with a virtual DOM.
- Node: As JavaScript was traditionally associated with running in web browsers, Node.js allows us to run JavaScript on the server side, so we can use it to build and run any server-side applications on the local machine.
- TypeScript: TypeScript, developed by Microsoft, is a superset of JavaScript that introduces static typing to the language. It can successfully enhance the code quality and developer productivity by enabling the definition of explicit data types.
- LeetCodeRating: This is a browser plugin maintained by myself. It enables difficulty score display for LeetCode problems on gallery, tag, and problem pages
Written before or on January 28, 2024